Lobster Take-out Supper Raises $1,245

The Restoration Committee held a Lobster Take-out Supper on Saturday, August 25, 2012. We sold 90 tickets and the event raised $1, 245 after expenses. We want to thank all the people who came out to support our fundraising efforts and we truly hope that you enjoyed your meal!

A lot of preparation and hard work goes into putting on a supper and several people worked tirelessly to make it possible. Thanks and appreciation goes out to everyone who came to the church hall on Saturday morning to complete the preparations, greet the customers and make some deliveries.

I would like to thank the following people for their hard work on the supper:

Al and Lynn Cocoran were on the lobster duty – tracking the orders and making sure that there were enough lobsters

Lidy and David Scheele generously donated the potatoes.

Ruby Glencross, Heather Little, and Jean Graham generously donated their time to help with food preparation.

On behalf of the Restoration I would like to thank Janice Little and Paula Girvan for volunteering to plan and manage a successful lobster fundraiser!

–       Paul Warren

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